Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Martha Graham And How She Has Effected Dance

"Martha Graham was one of the most famous dancers and creators of dance, called choreographers. She brought modern dance to a new level of popularity in American culture. She created a new language of movement that expressed powerful emotions.

She started traditions that are still used in modern dance today. They include expressive movements of the body to tell a dramatic story, special music, lighting, stage design and costumes." 

I have had the privalege of learning the Graham technique two years ago at my old school, and have witnessed the emotional effects it has. We are putting our souls into the dance to form the movement with our emotions, if we are happy, sad, excited, depression, etc. all create different movements for dance. 

"Martha Graham, 1894-1991: The Mother of Modern Dance." VOA. N.p., May-June 2013. Web. 08 May 2013.

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