Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I have chosen to research the social and emotional effects dances has on people. I have been dancing since I was 3 years old, and it effected me in a very positive way. When I was three I wasn't very good but I guess I liked it cause I stayed in it since then. Now that I'm older and have a better understanding of what I am doing I have a broader love for dance. Through dance I have learned that it helps me deal with hard things going on in my life and is a great way to stay in shape. I have been very emotional in some of my performances I do. The closeness you get with the other dancers is unreal. As artist we all have dance in common so we get along very well and we become very close and share a lot of things that would be weird to share to someone you just met on the street. Sometimes we get very emotional towards the dance because we are acting out what we are trying to get across to the audience by our body movements. The dancers can become very attached to these dances because they either had a very strong connection towards the meaning of the dance.